Pristine waters of torrents and rivers in Marche, Umbria and Abruzzo: this is the natural habitat in which Rossi Group trout develops and lives. In fact, the quality of the farmed fish largely depends on the quality of the water used.
Only in truly clear and abundant waters the trout can breathe and swim as in nature and its flesh acquires that characteristic flavor that distinguishes it on the table.
In Rossi farms the purity, temperature and oxygenation characteristics are such as to reconstitute the ideal habitat for trout. Large quantities of pure water favor high quality of the product and allow all sizes to be obtained in every season of the year. Raised in full respect of nature, Rossi group trout thus achieves a quality similar to that of free trout in torrent water.
Precisely the position, the quality and the number of the plants that are part of the group are the basis of the success of Erede Rossi Silvio. The most important is certainly the historic Sefro plant. It is followed chronologically and geographically by the hatchery of Norcia and the farm of Biselli di Norcia, always located in central Italy in a deeply respected naturalistic environment. Equally important for the quality of its production is the one of the best in Italy fry farm in Urago d’Oglio (Bs), which provides excellent quality fry to Torre Pallavicina farms in the province of Bergamo.
The water of the Oglio river and natural springs in fact allows a high production of trout of various sizes, easily marketable thanks to its strategic geographical position for the national and European market. Finally in 2009 in the hills of Colli Sul Velino (Rieti), Popoli and Bussi sul Tirino (Pescara), in 2010 Rivoli di Osoppo (Udine) and Cittaducale and Rivodutri (Rieti) new farms has been acquired.

On the basis of the great success obtained with farming of freshwater fish on the ground, for some years Rossi group has begun a new experience in breeding sea bream and sea bass in floating cages and therefore it has become indispensable, to complete the supply chain as for the trout, to acquire a new fish feed production plant.
In fact, from some months a new production facility has been operating in the industrial area of Terni, equipped with the latest technology, technologically innovative machinery ranging from the extruder, dryer, the system of inserting liquid raw materials such as fish oil into the pellets, to the automatic packaging system of the finished product.
This production process and the sophisticated technologies applied, in addition to the rigorous selection of the raw materials used, ensure the production of food for any species of farmed fish, with characteristics of high quality and digestibility, able to guarantee high performance both of growth as a food conversion, minimizing the environmental impact.
This plant joins the already active and "historic" plant in Cassolnovo (Pavia) of Rossi group, which produces trout feed for self-consumption, and which has now reached first-class quality standards, and whose know-how, purchase with years of research and "experimentation" in the field, was transferred to the new structure in Terni. Also, for this new production plant, as for all the Rossi farms, the entire production process is based on a quality management system that goes from NO-GMOs to complete and guaranteed traceability at every stage, and an antibiotic-free farming.
The acquisition of this new production structure makes concrete the corporate "vision" of Rossi group: the constant commitment to pursuit the highest quality of its product in full respect with the environment and fish sustainability, using pioneering technologies and renewable energy sources.